Your kids cleaned up during Halloween, and now you have more treats than you can handle. 

That’s also a great reason to schedule professional dental cleanings for you and your loved ones in the months ahead. You don’t want too much of a good thing to spoil those smiles before the holidays.

As a means of encouragement, here are three reasons why you should call 865-685-9939 to plan your visit to My Family Dentistry in Powell, TN.

Remove Plaque & Tartar

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Few people brush their teeth perfectly every day, twice per day. That is part of the reason plaque and tartar can build up gradually. A professional cleaning will remove that buildup from your mouth.

Prevent & Detect Problems

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More than 90 percent of people develop cavities, and a majority of people will have gum disease during their lives. Cleanings can reduce your risk of those problems. Your checkup also gives us a chance to find those problems early, so your treatment is simpler and more effective.

Polish Your Teeth

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A professional cleaning isn’t going to remove deep stains, but it can get rid of surface stains and improve the appearance of your smile. Plus, if you want whitening, your visit is a perfect time to find which option is the right one for you.

Call 865-685-9939 to make an appointment in Powell, TN, or you can simply schedule online. See us soon for professional dental cleanings at My Family Dentistry.