Gum disease, periodontal disease, pyorrhea of the gums, is all something that it’s a foundational disease. For instance, your bone in your gums is what holds your teeth in. And the number one reason that adults lose teeth today, it’s gum disease. 80% of Americans have it and don’t even know it. If you get a splinter in your finger, you feel it, right? And you pluck it out, and it’s better within a day or so. If you have gum disease, it could go on for years unnoticed. In fact, it could go on so long that your teeth get loose and they start to separate, and you start, “Why are my teeth separating? And why are my teeth loose? Why do my gums bleed?”
It’s been linked to heart disease, preterm low birth weight babies, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. It’s one of those things that we don’t wanna mess around with. In fact, all of our patients are screened for gum disease, and you will be too, once a year at least, on healthy patients. If you’re a gum disease patient and you’ve had gum disease in the past, once a gum disease patient, always a gum disease patient. So we’re always looking at these patients.
With gum disease now, because of techniques that we employ in our office like ultrasonic therapy, right? We also have a product called Airflow that allows us to take a small tip down around your gums, and we’re actually treating the gum disease in a way that doesn’t require surgery. For you, right, you’re getting an extended life in your teeth. The foundation goes away in your house, it’s bad news, right? You basically lose your house. If the foundation goes away in your gums, or in your teeth, you lose your teeth. Let’s not lose your foundation, let’s treat it today.
- Keep your teeth intact by taking action early
- Relax during your appointment with sedation
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