Straighten your teeth
If we jump on the health side of things for just a moment, if you look at patients that are in a cardiothoracic unit in a hospital, there’s a correlation, I should say, between heart attacks and crooked teeth. Why is that? It’s because people that have straight teeth have less bacteria floating through their body. So not only can we make people’s teeth straight and it looks great, but it’s going to reduce your opportunity, possibly, for, you know, overall health problems. And so it reduces time in the chair that you’re seeing the hygienist because straight teeth are easier to clean. Straight teeth are easier to fix.
So if you’re interested in knowing more about like how we straighten teeth, this is where it gets interesting. In our office, you should ask for a digital scan or we may offer it to you to show you and simulate what your teeth could look like straight. And in literally less than 10 minutes with a piece of technology in our office we can literally show you a movie of your teeth being straightened. And then you might ask, well, do I have to put braces on? A lot of times patients need traditional braces, but we can offer ceramic brackets.
The next level care many of you know about is clear aligner therapy. The clear aligner therapy that you snap in and snap on the lower teeth, and it’s magically straightening your teeth. And you change that out every 10 to 14 days and over a period of months, years maybe, that your teeth become aligned. And so the goal here is to find the right treatment for you, whether it be braces or clear aligner therapy, both products are offered in our office and we can discuss these options with you in a very short period of time.
And I think the simulation is great because for you to see your own teeth straight and maybe instead of seeing someone else’s teeth that are straight, it really creates an awareness for you about, “Maybe they were a little more crooked than I thought. This looks amazing. There’s a before and after right in front of me.” It might help you understand a little bit about, you know, what we have and what we can offer for you. So if you’re interested in that, we’d love to help you out with orthodontics.